09 579 0563 (24 hr) In an emergency dial 111

Health Coach
Managing COVID-19 At Home
Advice for self-isolation
All COVID-19 positive patients and household contacts are required to isolate.
What is the difference between a positive case and a household contact?
If you're unsure how long you need to isolate for, use the COVID-19 Health Hub calculator
Managing your COVID-19 symptoms at home
The Omicron variant of COVID-19 is milder, but more infectious. This means most of us will likely get infected, so it's important to know what to do when it happens. Here are some great resources to help you manage your symptoms.
Track your symptoms
COVID-19 infection affects everyone differently. Symptoms can be very mild, like a cold, through to more severe, with little warning. We encourage you to track your symptoms and rest at home.
Symptom diaries (for adults and children)
If you have any concerns, please phone us, or call Healthline on 0800 611 116 for advice.
Supports adults enrolled at the clinic
Helps you to manage ongoing health conditions e.g., gout, diabetes, asthma
Focuses on healthy eating, physical activity, smoking cessation, and stress management
Assists your understanding and use of your medications
Works with you to develop goals and action plans
Keeps in touch to support you, in-person, or by phone, video, or text.
Wellbeing Practitioner/HIP (Health Improvement Practitioner)
– registered health professional
Patient Helpline
COVID-19 Healthline
Provides advice about COVID-19, including exposure, testing, self-isolate, and registers and monitors patients in self-isolation. Available 24 hours, 7 days by calling 0800 358 5453
Whānau Home Quarantine (WhānauHQ)
WhānauHQ Advice Line: 0800 687 647 (0800 OUR MIQ) – patients can call for assistance with questions about community-supported isolation and quarantine (CIQ).
1737 - Need to talk?
A free service dedicated for New Zealanders feeling down, anxious, a bit overwhelmed or just need a chat. Free call or text 1737 any time, 24 hours a day. You'll get to talk (or text) with a trained counsellor.
Have a different question?
You can now use the Health Navigator website to find out information about your health conditions, medicines and much more, without any data on your phone. Tell your friends and whānau.
Supports patients of all ages enrolled at the clinic
Helps you to identify and understand your wellbeing concerns including stress, sleep, mood, anxiety, pain, physical health challenges, substance use, relationships
Works with you to develop a plan for positive changes
Keeps in touch to support you in-person, or by phone, video, or text
Wellbeing Services
Free support is available with our Wellbeing Team, for all enrolled patients. See below for the support options that are available at Mount Smart Medical.
A typical session with a Health Coach or Wellbeing Practitioner is 20 - 30minutes – we offer in-person, video, and phone appointments.
Ask your doctor or nurse to refer you to our Wellbeing Team today.
Awhi Ora Community Support
Patient Helpline
COVID-19 Healthline
Provides advice about COVID-19, including exposure, testing, self-isolate, and registers and monitors patients in self-isolation. Available 24 hours, 7 days by calling 0800 358 5453
Whānau Home Quarantine (WhānauHQ)
WhānauHQ Advice Line: 0800 687 647 (0800 OUR MIQ) – patients can call for assistance with questions about community-supported isolation and quarantine (CIQ).
1737 - Need to talk?
A free service dedicated for New Zealanders feeling down, anxious, a bit overwhelmed or just need a chat. Free call or text 1737 any time, 24 hours a day. You'll get to talk (or text) with a trained counsellor.
Have a different question?
You can now use the Health Navigator website to find out information about your health conditions, medicines and much more, without any data on your phone. Tell your friends and whānau.
Provides walk alongside support in the community – everything outside the clinic
Access to Social and Financial services
Health and Wellbeing goals
Family/whānau issues
Managing drug use, drinking, and other addictions
Cultural reconnection