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Find the latest news and updates from Mt Smart Medical Centre

March Health & Wellbeing Update

Need support for you or your whānau after we’re closed? You can call Healthline FREE of charge!

Non-attendance and late arrivals to appointments

We understand that life can be unpredictable but attending your appointments or letting us know if you can’t make it is very important.

Important Christmas Information

With Christmas right around the corner, we thought it timely to update you on what happens during the holiday break while we are closed, along with some helpful tips for the summer ahead.

Pertussis vaccinations

Pertussis/whooping cough vaccinations are available at Mt Smart

Heat and sun safety

Be safe in the heat and sun again this summer - watch out for sunburn and heat-related illnesses

Nicole McGuigan - HIP

Nicole is our new Health Improvement Practitioner and part of our Wellbeing team.

Vitamin D

You have probably heard that you get Vitamin D from being in the sun, but do you know how this happens or what you need it for?

Unavoidable fees increases

It is with regret that from Tuesday 20 August, we will have to increase the fees we charge you, our patients.

July Health and Wellness Update

We hope you are staying warm and well as the cold weather has now really set in.

Men's Health Week

Men's Health Week runs from 10-16 June and is a week to highlight and promote the importance of men’s heath in New Zealand.

Smokefree May Copy

This month we are celebrating Smokefree May


Arthritis simply means ‘inflammation of a joint’.

The flu vaccination season is here

2 April is the start of the 2024 flu vaccination season.

Staying safe in the heat and sun

Sunburn and heat-related illnesses are two of the biggest things to watch out for throughout the summer months.

Christmas closing hours

With Christmas nearly upon us, here is what you need to know over the holiday period.

World AIDS Day

On 1 December every year we recognise World AIDS Day

F.A.S.T Campaign

FAST is an easy acronym to remember and can help you spot someone having a stroke.


We often hear about carbohydrates, commonly referred to as ‘Carbs’ when referring to diets and food.

Look after your oral health

Oral health can play a big part in your overall health too


Anaphylaxis is a severe and potentially life-threatening reaction

Changes to fees from 1 August

From the start of August, we have some slight changes to both our prescription and doctors’ fees.

Covid-19 Preparation

All COVID information can be found at the official COVID-19 website

Coeliac Disease

Coeliac disease is a permanent autoimmune disorder where eating gluten causes damage to the small intestine.

Book in for your flu vaccination

With winter on our doorstep, now is the perfect time for you and your whānau to get the flu vaccine.

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