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09 579 0563 (24 hr)           In an emergency dial 111

March Health & Wellbeing Update

Need support for you or your whānau after we’re closed? You can call Healthline FREE of charge!

Afterhours services

Need support for you or your whānau after we’re closed? You can call Healthline FREE of charge!

Healthline is a 24-hour FREE telephone health advice service where you can talk to qualified health professionals. You can call Healthline on 0800 611 116 any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:

  • For trusted health advice, treatment and information about what to do next from nurses, paramedics and advisors

  • You can choose to speak with a Māori clinician if you’re calling between 8am and 8pm

  • Interpreter services and NZ Relay support are also available.

If you call our practice when we are closed, you can follow the directions to be put through to Healthline to access the support you need.

New payment policy

Firstly, we wish to thank those of you who have paid at the time of your appointment with us. We have appreciated that immensely. We understand that there are a number of reasons you may be unable to pay at the time, but intend to pay the next day, however remembering, or other issues, means it can be forgotten or missed.

Unfortunately, following up on late payments takes a significant amount of time and resources.

We have now implemented our Patient fees and outstanding debt policy and our Did Not Attend (DNA) / Late Arrival / Late Cancellation Policy. Please be sure to check these out on our website to understand what this means for you.

Thank you for supporting us, and please remember, if finance is an issue, please have a quiet word with our Practice Manager.

Free meningoccocal vaccines for students

Is your rangatahi heading to boarding school, a university hall or military training? Meningococcal vaccines are free for 13 to 25-year-olds in their first year of living in these high-risk settings. Refer to our helpful guide for more information.


Mt Smart Medical Centre, caring for your family's health

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